(3 replies, posted in Other)


Wine Is Not an Emulator (funny linux guys, always joking).

With wine, you can execute windows applications under linux. windows applications such as Notepad, Winmine (ok, not very interresting), Emule, trillian, flashfxp, ms office,etc. and now autoit and driverpacks smile

I just successfully made it work. My problem was just a configuration one.

So, now, I can launch dsp_base.exe from my linux, then create an iso image then burn it (with any linux or windows cd/dvd burner software ).

Thanks again for this great soft !

If you have any question, feel free to ask.



(3 replies, posted in Other)


I'm a linux addict but my customers are still on the dark side smile. Im trying to make DriverPacks works with wine. Has anybody tried such a crazy thing ? smile

It actually works until I click the 'Slipstream' button. I then get an error message about the command exec :

Line0 (File "E:\Desktop\dps_base\DPs_BASE.exe"):
Return RunWait(@ComSpec & " /C" & $sCommand, "", @SW_HIDE)
Error: Unable to execute the external program

Does anybody have an idea ?
