Thanks.  That worked and now I can use BartPE on my Win 7 laptop, because without the driver pack I was getting a BSOD.


I did not rename it but mine is named: DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1108.torrent  (not file extension of 7z)
I don't exactly know what you mean by "BartPE utilities".  When I invoked DPs_BASE.exe, and went to settings, I browsed to my BarPE plugins directory.



I am trying to update the DriverPack MassStorage  to my BartPE plugin directory, but when I navigate to the "Select the DrivePacks to" page.  everything is grayed out (i.e. nothing to select).
I followed the procedure exactly and placed the MassStroage torrent in c:\DPsBase\DriverPacks and did not try to "unzip" it.  Why can't I select the DriverPack?

Jordan Krim