well its the first time it run so it can't use cache because the cache wont exist and gets created. at least it works that first time you use it. other times is the problem.

Fixed. I know why this is. I have joined this forum to tell you why. I had this problem just now first time I have used this program. I fixed it in 2 mins.

The reason QuickStream Cache for DriverPack MassStorage text mode is empty! error pops up is because QSC folder exists from a previous use of DriverBase, just delete the QSC folder before you slipstream.

So do not disable Masstorage textmode. Renable it again it works fine. If you disable this i suspect it wont find your raid or ahci drivers. not a good thing haha

Bâshrat the Sneaky if your program can detect for the presence of this folder QSC auto styly and delete it before slipsteaming this will get rid of the error.

Goodbye from bughunter extrodinaire!