There is an updated WAIK posted at the Microsoft download site - supposedly version 2.0.

Yes There is an updated WAIK posted at the Microsoft download site - supposedly version 2.0.

TERABYTES per week sounds like a job for Super Torrents.....<grin>

That amount of data transfer is remarkable, if not incredible. I had no idea of the volume. WOW!

Can we agree that collective, distributed bandwidth beats paying for thousands of duplicate streams from a for-pay content distributor?

DriverPacks could be their OWN cdn. Maybe even do it for OTHER projects. (Hey, I'm just throwing stuff out here.)

As a longtime user, I am IN on the donation part. You tell me how much ('cuz I know y'all are a fair bunch) and I'll send it. It really is time to monetize this (not so) little venture. It's field tested and battle proven. Now all we need is the fiscal support to take it to the next level.

Torrenting is a wonderful distributed technology, but the BASE would need changing in a very significant way. Not that Jeff isn't up to it, and as it's been said, the DP userbase IS a very technical bunch. You have all the talent you need just waiting to be called upon. My own thirty-five years have taught me many things, and I stand ready to do whatever I can to help y'all see this through.