(8 replies, posted in Other)

Thanks all but i still haven't found the answer. I'll keep on looking...


(8 replies, posted in Other)

mr_smartepants wrote:

Yes, many have already done that.  Search the forums.


I'm not very clued up on the terminology. What should i be searching for?

Am i looking for a SAD CD?

Sorry about this dumb question but if you could point me in the right direction, that would be great


(8 replies, posted in Other)

Hello again

I'm after creating something like driverpack solution with a nice front-end.

Is that do-able?



(8 replies, posted in Other)

mr_smartepants wrote:

I think you're asking for an All-In-One Stand Alone Drivers (SAD) disc.
If so, the current SAD2 utility is here: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 590#p41590
Compatible with XP and Win7 (and others)

Many thanks. I didn't know it was called SAD. Yes i think that is what i want - so i insert the disk and it scans and updates all drivers.

I'll now have a read, thanks for your help.


(8 replies, posted in Other)

Hello all - first post.

Could you please point me to the relevant section.

I want to create either 1 or 2 installation CD's with ALL drivers within. One for XP and the other for W7 (or a combined one).

By installation CD i mean where i can load the CD/DVD and it will automatically search for all the drivers and ask to update.

Is this possible? If so - where do i start reading.
