"you could use nlite to launch sad as a runonceex command ..." like OverFlow said... well i  used RT7Lite , add to RunOnceEx the Dpinstalltool.cmd', installed windows7 on a virtual machine , but the SAD utility didn't integrate them. Could not find the drivers. I think i've done something wrong..or not.. can u help me? The driver use method 2 for install ..there are in the NT6 , X86 folder.    .7z compressed. Do i have to put the into windows folder or what ? or Sources ? or should i integrate them with rt7lite ?

i have a question regarding SAD2 .
how does it work ...i mean ..can you run it before windows begins the install , or i have to run the package after windows finishes the install .. ?
cam you explain ? Thank you .
Sorin B.
P.s Nice work !! I'm using your tools for 2 years now..and i have to be honest... YOU MADE MY LIFE MUCH EASYER!!! GREAT JOB!!!GREAT INDEED!