Hello. I have been running a (mostly) successful universal imaging setup for a while now. My setup is based heavily upon this stick: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1682
Suddenly, however, DPSfnshr.exe is attempting to run from the PCs G: drive on first boot, when it is located at the root of C.
I am running the following batch file to kick off driver copying, prepping, and sysprep. So, I am sure I am doing the same thing every time. I can also confirm that I haven't altered any files, however, I am not the only one with access, so I cant say they've NEVER been altered.
This is the batch file:
net use Z: \\ittechstorage-p\programs
md D
md sysprep
md drivers
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\d" C:\d /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\drivers" C:\drivers /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\sysprep" C:\sysprep /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\dpbase" C:\dpbase /s /e /h /r /y /i
copy "Z:\customsysprep\*.ini" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\devcon.*" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\devpath.*" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\makepnf.*" C:\
copy "C:\DPBase\bin\dpsfnshr.ini" C:\
copy "C:\DPBase\bin\dpsfnshr.exe" C:\
C:\devpath.exe C:\D
C:\makePNF.exe C:\D
C:\sysprep\ROE.exe 937
REM Enumerates driver files to registry, as sysprep.ini has a limit
C:\sysprep\spdrvscn /p C:\d /e inf /d C:\drivers /f /a /s /q
REM these are registry entries to ensure that desktop icons are preserved through sysprep
reg import C:\sysprep\importthis1.reg
reg import C:\sysprep\importthis2.reg
C:\sysprep\sysprep -reseal -mini
Basically, I hope someone can tell me where DPSFNshr.exe is being told to run from the G: drive so I can correct that issue.
I am not sure what other files might be helpful, but please let me know and I will furnish them for you.