(33 replies, posted in Other)

Well first off thanks you guys for all your great driver packs over the years.

Well while I am not against paying for direct links per-se, it would be better if you could include something extra for your paying consumers.

Maybe include a shipment of the physical disk as option, and/or a limited edition Bâshrat/overflow autograph DriverPack CD smile

I also think you should make the prices concrete and not rely on donations.

You guys painstakingly have gone through and removed duplicate drivers, and created one of the leanest best driverpacks around.

Thanks again.... this is very professional project and has helped me greatly over the years. My only criticism is again without providing people either through paying or free http links you are limiting the opportunity for people to use your project where P2P is not an option.


(33 replies, posted in Other)

Are there any http links for the x86 Windows 7 packs? torrents are blocked in most corporate networks