And without RIS?

Thanks for this hint, Bâshrat the Sneaky. I will take a look and test for me, but there must be a short explanation what to do if using method 2 and I don`t know the link anymore. Can you give it to me that I can bring M2 to work at first?


OK - so I try to make M2 work. Should it run out of the box? My problem is that when I´m using method one I just have to copy the driverpath and the commandline to my Prod.sif and everything is working fine. If I ran M2 the same driverpath appears in the winnt.sif build by BASE.exe. So I copy this path and the commandline to my Prod.sif and installation seems to run fine. Driverpacks are copied... but no WatchDSP.exe or CloseDSP.exe is found and no drivers are installed at the end.

There is only a small mistake of mine but I´m not able to find it. Can you give me an advice or a link to an introduction?


Hm - is there any performance plus using a netwok share? Method 1 is now to big (>4096) and I´m not getting Method 2 to work. I will try with a fresh directory.


No - shall change $OEM$ to a share?

Master, I´m using RIS on W2K3-Server with 6.08.6 Base and nearly all the driverpacks.


Hi all,

I know Bâshrat the Sneaky is working on it (maybe). Does anyone knows anything about having driverpacks on a networkshare? I know there is a small doku how to do this here in this forum, but maybe someone can give me a hint to a more detailled instruction or knows if Bâshrat the Sneaky is really working on it or when its finished?



(5 replies, posted in Other)

Go to$TLD and enter your service tag. Download and have fun.


Unfortunately that´s what I have to do I think. Or do you know anything further?


Hi all,

testing 6.0.61 shows me the following: using method 2 - no problem. Using method 1 - same error as described. What can I do to fix this?


Bâshrat the Sneaky,

thanks for your help and your programming (of course). The new version 6.061 seems to run fine. Now I will try my personal driverpacks - maybe they will run also.



Oh no - it ends up in the "cannot copy ... driver to..."

Hm - deleted my driver packs from 3rd party and now its starting compressing and so. I used to have my driverpacks for about a year now, so what can be the problem from now on. Do you got any advice?


Here it is:


; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons	= "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI		= "yes"

; disc/multibootDisc/multibootPlatform
type		= "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location	= "E:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\3_WindowsXPPro_TEST"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks	= "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod	= "1"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finishMethod	= "GUIRunOnce"

; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/specify/pattern, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD		= "none"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC		= "no"

; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl		= "CCC"


2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 6.06 initialized.
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected settings file.
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected Windows XP Professional SP2 in E:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\3_WindowsXPPro_TEST.
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 6.05!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 6.06!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 6.03!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 6.03!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 6.05.1!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 6.03.1!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 6.06!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 6.03!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 6.05!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> DriverPacks scanned sucessfully.
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <INIT> QuickStream Cache directory not found!
2006-06-08 10:39:27 : <GUI>  Initialized GUI.
2006-06-08 10:40:10 : <GUI>  Saved settings!
2006-06-08 10:40:10 : <GUI>  Closed GUI.
2006-06-08 10:40:10 : <SEL>  Selected module: mod_wxp_x86-32_disc_m1.
2006-06-08 10:41:31 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2006-06-08 10:41:31 : <PREP> Deleted old method 2 related files.
2006-06-08 10:41:31 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2006-06-08 10:41:32 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2006-06-08 10:41:32 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2006-06-08 10:41:32 : <PREP> Cleaned up \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt.
2006-06-08 10:42:23 : <PREP> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2006-06-08 10:42:23 : <PREP> Created temporary working directory.
2006-06-08 10:42:25 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Chipset.
2006-06-08 10:43:24 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Graphics A.
2006-06-08 10:44:11 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Graphics B.
2006-06-08 10:44:36 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Graphics C.
2006-06-08 10:44:43 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack LAN.
2006-06-08 10:44:49 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage.
2006-06-08 10:45:45 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Sound A.
2006-06-08 10:46:24 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack Sound B.
2006-06-08 10:46:57 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack WLAN.

Hope this helps :-) By the way - using the nice gui, it hangs at choosing enable/disable stream. It just nothing happens when I hit next.

Thanks for your help Bâshrat the Sneaky


Hi all, trying method 1 I get the following error. Can somebody give me a hint how to fix?


Dear all,

since I´m trying to use the new GUI I was wondering If I have to wait a long time when I click on enable cache streaming? But if I choose disable the streaming nothing seems to happen although. At least nothing happens when I click 'next'. Am I do something wrong or have you discussed before? Please give me a small advice.

By the way - I love the new interface. First try is running at the moment.
