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Well, sorry for double posting, but I have to bump this: an idea hit me today when I was about to remove the modem pack from my setup - the files without extension are not handled corectly. I consider myself stupid now because it was logic to be that, nothing else being broke in the pack.
So here it is the bug: DB_base does not handle files without extension. I hope you'll fix it in the next release, but anyway thanks for looking over this. At least now I know why it doesn't work and I can fix the problem manually ...
Bâshrat the Sneaky, do you think you can send me the little piece of code that handles the output file extension?
The portion where $f_out_ext is declared or used.
I think there might be a slight problem in the source code of the DP Base.
If you can't do that, do you think you can assign a default extension, like .lol for each file type (just before you write to the output file)? I could surely manage to repair/mod a pack if I had at least an output file.
The problem is not appearing when it is unzipping the file, but when it starts to recab it.
Note that the last line of the log is
2006-06-05 22:54:14 : <SLIP> Started CAB compressing 3rd party DriverPack DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_184.7z.
I decompressed the original file and it has no .DL_ files.
yes. I had to select the Greek in the advanced tab (for non-unicode ... ). It really does work.
Just fixed it: try specifying the font name in the GUICtrlSetFont statement
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, 550)
should be
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, 550, -1, "Arial")
Replace "Arial" with the font you use (take a look at the font appedinx in the autoit helpfile to be sure it is compatible with every OS - Arial surely is).
Just tested it and it works.
3rd party
First of all, I wanna say hi to everybody on this forum because I'm new here
but let's move on to the subject of this post:
Although I know 3rd party driver packs are not officially supported, I'd like to share with you a picture of an error I got
The picture can be found at … led4um.jpg .
What I did: place all official driverpacks in their folder.
Place all 3rd party driverpacks in their pack (after renaming them to suit the new rules), so the modem pack becomes DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_184.
Select method 1 to install and slipstream ... after I while the error pops up and when I click OK the program closes (but now I know it's written in autoit because I did not notice this before).
My log file can be found here: .
Best regards!
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