I forgot webcam, also had that pack. After removing it everything works.
1 2011-08-25 17:30:07
Re: DevPath.exe fails to set registry key when using a lot of driverpacks (26 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
2 2011-08-24 10:13:21
Re: DevPath.exe fails to set registry key when using a lot of driverpacks (26 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I think I am struggling with this issue. I already ran DriverPacks Finisher on 36 separate builds and powerpacked them. I tried removing the offending packs from the OEM folder and repacking, but no effect. I tried running DriverPacks Finisher on a fresh build and then copying the files to the powerpack OEM folder, still no effect. Do I have to start over? Posting DPs_Base.ini below. Also, I originally had all the latest drivers plus the latest 3rd party: Graphic lang, Phisx, HID, MISC, Modem, Runtimes, TV, Monitors, Bluetooth and LAN RIS. I removed Monitors, Bluetooth and LAN RIS and the problem persists. Are there any other offending packs? Thanks.
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "E:\Project X\XPAdvanced Pro_11_2010\dpbuild"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"