
Where can I find previous versons of driverpacks that are still compatible with PowerPacker? I've looked around the forums and downloads and all I find are the last couple of versions that aren't.  I'd like to get all this stuff working, I've got some installs that I want to use this on.  I can always move up to your newest version when everything is compatible again.


Ahh, I knew something was out of whack.  I hadn't found anything about it on Siginet's site.



I'm trying to puzzle my way through using driverpacks with XP PowerPacker, where is the Slipstreamer cmd file and other cmd files that are referenced in some of the tutorials?  I apparently need to have them to create the proper files for PowerPacker.  The file I need is referenced in PowerPacker as Run_me.cmd, which I assume means xxxx.cmd whatever the name of the file is that I am using after running the driverpacks merge.

I couldn't find any reference to these files in the forums.
