Then which format we should follow ?
Ist Using RVM Integrator for Update Patches + Addons
2nd Using NLite for Removing Unneeded Windows Components.
3rd Driver Packs Base for SlipStreaming Drivers.Then we can again Point out the Updated WindowXP Source folder to Nlite for Making WinXP.ISO Image file....
Am I Right ?
I actually prefer 2/1/3
first move the NTbackup folder to support
Nlite, slim it down.
remove the guided tour.. languages, unneeded keyboards
you must not go for sacrificing important stuff.
delete valuadd folder
delete docs
let it do it to it.
manually delete the migration folders in \386 (approx 37Mb)
also delete the dotnetfx folder (approx 40Mb)
that slims it down with 220Mb...
RVM integrator, hotfixes, soundfixes, and dotnetfx
I will still use RVM because I can have it do the ansi code conversion, which avoids a DriverPacks soundpack issue)
DPs_Base method 2, all packs
result is under 700 Mb.
and then, for ISO you can use nlite or RVM.
I use DVDRW because I want extras on that disc.