(15 replies, posted in Other)


I have a rather impromtu request regarding distribution of some DriverPacks files given that this is my first post and I am newly registered.

I am the author of a front-end-type program for sysprep called OfflineSysPrep, available as a BartPE plugin or a WinBuilder script:

http://www.boot-land.net/forums/app-scr … t3207.html

The aim of the program is to be able to sysprep a windows xp/2003 partition which is offline/not booted. Various reasons why this is necessary exist, one being that of shifting to newer hardware. For my own use, the reason is that I take regular backup images of my computer, but often these cannot be simply written to a newer machine with the expectation that it will boot straight away without some "sysprepping". Earlier this year, for example, I had my laptop stolen, which was configered to ide, and the replacement had sata. I applied a backup image to the new laptop and using OfflineSysPrep I was able to sysprep the unbootable partition without having to reinstall xp.

Recently I was asked if I could also integrate mass storage driver handling into OfflineSysPrep, particuarly because one drawback with the "offline method" is that writing mass storage entries to sysprep.inf does not yet work under PE. Given that there is a BartPE plugin generated by driverpacks, I decided to start here. I have now been able to inject all the mass storage drivers from the plugin into the offline system (again, either xp or 2003), or to inject the driver(s) necessary for the device(s) detected under PE.

So now I come to the question; well, on second thought -- questions:

May I be granted permission to redistribute the .sys and .sy_ files from the BartPE plugin? This would allow an easier setup for most people as I would not have to detail exactly which files have to be compied and where.

This I guess is one option. Another would be your generous permission to use coding from DPs_BASE to process the mass storage driverpack .7z file internally, which would allow for easier integrating of newer packs etc.

Now I understand if permission is not granted given that I unable to offer much in return. My hope, though, would be that this would open up just another option in the application and usefulness of the driverpacks and that there might therefore be a larger pool of people using the packs and consequently testing on various hardware.

Thanks for your time, assistance, and consideration.
