the chipset DriverPacks with the Nvidia updates has been released some time ago, and we have a testpack for LAN which has the better choice. (a newer Nvidia Lan driver than what we put in exists, but is was supporting a single device.. whereas the driver we updated to has a wide range covered.)

Lan is sheduled to go final soon. JakeLD wants to add an attansic driver, and has yet another realtek update..

TESTpack (updated that turtle beach)

http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 32_7105.7z


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

It is possible you were bitten by a QSC bug.
(which is why I said "for God's sake, turn QSC ON".)


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

This is a separate testpack for an new addition of NVIDIA.

For Nvidia, I looked at the duplicate HWIDs.
The generic TXTmode driver we use has pretty much all HWIDs and is most current.

it has all of the stuff 7107x has, and I added NEW driver: (not the one mentioned in this topic. We had a newer in our pack.)

N\6 Nforce 630; 05/04/2007,, it provides AHCI support.
N\6R Nforce 630; 05/04/2007,, it provides SATA RAID support

already superceded by 7109x version


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

updated to 7107X

I was able to install the driver in VirtualPC, and have the missing tbcwdm.sys.
We'll update the soundpack soon, I think.

Meanwhile, you may want to talk to Overflow, because he'll be interested about the work you did on the sound plugin.


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

I will upload after I could test it myself.
I just did this:

we're getting there.
DONE; Sil 3124 (TWO BIOS versions; One IDE "base" driver not tied to particular BIOS?)
DONE; Silicon Image 3114 SoftRaid 5 from 09/05/2006, to 02/05/2007,

S-7 update; Silicon Image 3114 SoftRaid 5 from 09/05/2006, to 02/05/2007,
S-8 Silicon Image 3124 SATALink generic
S-8A Silicon Image 3124 SATALink for BIOS 6217
S-9 Silicon Image 3124 SATARaid generic
S-A Silicon Image 3124 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 6217"
S-A2 Silicon Image 3124 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 6318"

there is no workaround for different BIOS versions in Sil 3114.
(Eight drivers: SEVEN BIOS versions. 1 for base, four for raid5, and three for raid.)
It cannot be done because there is only ONE difference for seven BIOS versions.
The next to oldest has one more HWID than the oldest, and newer have same.
I still want a raise. smile

http://support.turtlebeach.com/site/kb_ … sp#drivers
Muiz used 4193.

You can help us fix this.
Once you installed this, you could collect the driver files with drivergrabber, and mail them to Muiz, or me, or you can put them on rapidshare (or something).

drivergrabber is found here.
http://www.siginetsoftware.com/forum/sh … d.php?t=34


(13 replies, posted in Dutch)

Cela est j'usque en neerlandais? sad

I thought Muiz fixed this in April?



(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hi, Updated to 7106X

local test on live machine what uses 3132 silicon ran OK
One other test in Aalst (a friend with a Sil 3112), ran OK.

let's get reports.

We know that updating the BIOS is not always possible. Silicon Image Flash tool does not flash other OEM solutions built around their chips.

That's no longer true.
Yesterday I found they now provide flashtool for system boards using their chips.
However, the latest BIOS version for an add-in card can be higher, and can have a higher version of driver specific to it.

I am working on a workaround in the hopes it solves the problems this can cause users.


we'll look, but I think we cover this.
http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/i … 009292.htm

http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/i … 009339.htm

adaptec_variant for server


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

good news.
The work on Sil 3132 was running OK on my rig with the 3132 chip in it

gotta go now, but tonight I'll finish another few, and we'll then have this.

S\4 for bios 4.2.50 (SiL Image 3112/3152, 06/14/2004,
S\4B for bios 4.x.79 (SiL Image 3112, 10/23/2006,
S\4C for bios 4.x.83 (SiL Image 3112, 04/13/2007,

S\5 for bios 4.3.47 (SiL Image 3112/3152 Raid, 08/27/2004,
S\5B for bios 4.x.79 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 03/14/2006,
S\5C for bios 4.x.83 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 02/01/2007,
(S\5A still has the ATI 3112/3152 raid variants.)

[S-B] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7223"
[S-B2] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7230"
[S-B3] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7310"
[S-B4] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7313"
[S-B5] = ="Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7405"

[S-C] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7223"
[S-C2] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7230"
;comment; driver for BIOS 7310 had no unique HWIDs
[S-C3] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7313"
[S-C4] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 (it had a unique HWID)"
[S-C5] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7405"


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hi Ruud,
the tagnames are unique, the INF have not (yet) been edited to "compensate" for changing system file names.

If you are interested about making the systemfiles unique as well, then I can point you to an example where it was done.
In the Intel sections, all iastor drivers have unique system file names, and the INF was edited to "compensate" for the references to names.

I have worked on the Sil 3132 drivers, and will run a live test on the machine that has a Sil3132 here.
With latest driver only, I get a yellow in hardware manager.
(A note to myself and Ruud.. :  Months ago, I could not get a driver for "floppy" for my mobo at Gigabyte. This week I found one such. It has same version as the oldest found at Silicon Image site. So, the testpack following this one here has this old version and all the newer, and I'll see what that does.)

A note to all, the testpack is for tests.
If a sysprep user requires additional changes , he better tell us what we need do. smile

this must be confusing to read.
it started with a testpack for sound pack A

Sound A was released, and now we need reports on the testfile for soundpack  B.


I hope you are trying to slipstream a copy on hard disk, not a CD.


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

7105X is up.
Via\4 again uses VIBUS now. (the way I had set it before I thought that was wrong.)


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hi realhyg,
welcome to DriverPacks.

Thanks for the report. I'll have an update ready later tonight.
I first want to live test it on at least one machine before I upload it.

I bet my first impression about V\4 was the right one (before I used the spotlighht tool), and while I was making the experimental I started to doubt and I changed it from busextender = true to false.

the burn is ready, and test will be soon.


(13 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)


DPsBase will slipstream KB888111 if it detects it was not yet slipstreamed by RVM.
You say you slipstreamed it yourself?

Can you look at SVCPACK.IN_ in the i386 folder? uncab it, and look at it in an editor.
If svcpack.INF can be read and mentions the KB, it ought to be well?

@ gbmacman,

We love to hear report on the testpack 7094 (that's a version JakeLD and I worked on after your previous report.)

Hi anonymous,

since you need this one, please test the nightly testpack and report back?
When we get reports in, we at least know whether we have to fix it or if it is good for release.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

there is a sound B testpack, and it has HP DC 7800 sound driver.
http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 32_7104.7z


This one was finalised and published

changes compared with 71012X are > folder structure change and Silicon 3114 downgrade

This effort has a history.

Let's look at was done, step by step, while we made 710**
(I will mention major chanhes compared to 7.09.2)

When I used the driverINFinfo spotlight utility and an excell "sort" formula (thanx for that tip, Mr EchoPlatoon.), all sorts of little "things" came to light.

Why did I ask to test  eXperimental testpacks in the public forum?
Debugger had suggested a workaround for issues where a RAID driver got the overhand when the chip was in Base-Mode.
This TestPack uses his technique.
Now, because it most certainly looks like this is going to be our solution to many problems we had with silicon, promise, and other drivers which caused clashes between raid/non-raid variants, I'll continue work on the 'eXperimental'.

The testfiles try to solve issue with drivers intended for different BIOS versions in Mass storage Chips.
We also use debugger's idea.
&CC_010* gets tagged to some drivers we have had issue reports on

When compared to the main release (Mass Storage 7092.), The current 71012X pack had these changes.
= = = =

All OEMSETUP.INF files renamed, the driver's name is used if possible.
(this is with SySprep users in mind. They cannot have duplicate INF files.)
All NODEV.INF files renamed.

3\1 3Ware 9000/9500/9650 updated to 12/04/2006,
3\1\o removed

ad\6 updated to 01/22/2007,
ad\6\c (INF renamed and moved into ad\6, overlap HWIDs removed from INF.)
ad\A removed

d\2 updated to 02/15/2007,

D\3 is a new addition
DELL PERC 5/E 5/i 6/e 6/i & CERC 6/i RAID Controller 12/15/2006,

Emulex had duplicated lines in INF.

H\1R rocketraid 1520, removed folder.
Highpoint INF names were made unique

I\2 Intel updated from 6.2 to 7.0 (the highest found for this single device ID)

J\ Jmicron, updated to 08/30/2007,   
(and I did an INI FIX; wrong mode could be picked during txtmode.)

L\4  updated to 01/27/2006,

A fix for Marvel in M\1, issue reported by Rockbow

we Looked at the duplicate HWIDs.
We added some for TXTmode.
Later in the topic you will find a them descibed.

Promise drivers; all fasttrak and ulsata drivers were given unique TAGNAMES for separate Operating systems.
(an INI fix.)
in P\1 (xp/w2k/w2k3) I disabled PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_4d33. It was also found in newer driver in P\8
for fasttrak &CC_0104 got tagged to the HWIDs in INF and INI.
for ulsata, &CC_0101 got tagged to the HWIDs in INF and INI.
All Promise (like we find in P\B P\B\k and P\B\k3) got unique INF names

Then there (was) the battle for Silicon Hyll. We got that licked, far as I know.. smile
I searched for SiLicon duplicate HWIDs. Fixed some.
I also want to rid ourselves of the need for SFXminiPacks.

S\4 for bios 4.2.50 (SiL Image 3112/3512, 06/14/2004,
S\4B for bios 4.x.79 (SiL Image 3112, 10/23/2006,
S\4C for bios 4.x.83 (SiL Image 3112, 04/13/2007,

S\5 for bios 4.3.47 (SiL Image 3112/3512 Raid, 08/27/2004,
S\5B for bios 4.x.79 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 03/14/2006,
S\5C for bios 4.x.83 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 02/01/2007,
(S\5A still has the ATI 3112/3512 raid variants.)

[S-B] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7223, 04/25/2005,"
[S-B2] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7230, 01/25/2006,"
[S-B3] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7310, 03/16/2006,"
[S-B4] = "Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7313, 10/31/2006,"
[S-B5] = ="Silicon Image 3132 SATALink for BIOS 7405, 06/05/2007,"

[S-C] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7223, 03/31/2005,"
[S-C2] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7230, 10/18/2005,"
;comment; driver for BIOS 7310 had no unique HWIDs
[S-C3] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7313, 09/05/2006,"
[S-C4] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 (it had a unique HWID), 01/25/2007,"
[S-C5] = "Silicon Image 3132 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 7405, 05/30/2007,"

S-7 update; Silicon Image 3114 SoftRaid 5 from 09/05/2006, to 02/05/2007,
S-8 Silicon Image 3124 SATALink generic
S-8A Silicon Image 3124 SATALink for BIOS 6217
S-9 Silicon Image 3124 SATARaid generic
S-A Silicon Image 3124 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 6217"
S-A2 Silicon Image 3124 SoftRaid 5 for BIOS 6318"

There is only one workaround for different BIOS versions in Sil 3114.
(Eight drivers: SEVEN BIOS versions. 1 for base, four for raid5, and three for raid.)
Using the NEWEST driver cannot be done because there is only ONE difference for seven BIOS versions.
The oldest driver is not the best. The next one and all newer than that have just one more HWID than the oldest.

The workaround in 711nightly is that I decided to use the next to oldest driver, because it is proven that newest drivers do not work on older card's BIOSes. It read reports that an older driver worked on newer BIOS and could verify this.
(Not only by tests I did myself. There was a post at a sister project which made me decide to downgrade Sil 3114 drivers.)

SIS 180/181/182 in si\1. Newest driver 01/11/2007,5.1.1039.2110 replaces si\1 si\2 and si\3.

V\3 Duplicate HWIDs removed for TXTmode.
V\4 rewrote INI (This driver is newer than V\3.)
= = = =


PAR EXAMPLE. D\M\V\4 becomes D\M\V4
When you have 129 folders with drivers in them, we can reduce path lenght by over 200 characters.
We decided to do it long ago, and the time is here.
It was sanctioned by Bâshrat the Sneaky.
quote = "You want to do it, go ahead."
I know I will have to update the supported device list, and it will take work to do it, but it really is worth it, because Method 1 will benefit.

Please ALWAYS select  QSC ON, DISC based installation for WINDOWS XP.
Windows 2003 and 2000 were NOT yet tested by me.

This "experimental" testpack still has a number of files with same name.
Future packs will attempt to get rid of duplicated names.

What works for SySprep, works for Disc based installations.
(We cannot implement everything, though. ) °
Tell us how you fixed driver info and systemfiles and help us help you..
= = =
I want a raise. smile
I want to buy a licence for araxis merge 2007.
It's the best file/folder compare tool I have used so far.

711 was based on 71012x and should be good. (I put some faith in JakeLD's work)

It's a long one to read, but the info about the future is in here.
Please provide feedback, and do not forget to subscribe when you post.

This post  about X testpackx has had its last revision

I'll run an experiment.. I have to make an ISO anyhow.