Bâshrat the Sneaky where did u get the RAID Class controller 5.10.2600.667 1/5/06 from ???? i just throught the nVidia drivers and i can't find it in there ...
26 2006-08-20 16:33:57
Re: nForce SATA/SATARAID not working (21 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
27 2006-08-20 14:24:33
Re: nForce SATA/SATARAID not working (21 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
ok i'm back this what i found .....
nVidia nForce PATA controller driver 5.10.2600.518 11/2/05
RAID Class controller 5.10.2600.667 1/5/06
RAID SATA raid contoller 5.10.2600.666 24/4/06
after you run the nVidia driver pack the only one to chance and fix's my problem is
RAID Class controller 5.10.2600.666 24/4/06
so they roll back ??? anyway is fix's everythink..
28 2006-08-20 12:50:06
Re: nForce SATA/SATARAID not working (21 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
me bad, it was 4 in the morning !! i'll reload, and note driver's this time
29 2006-08-20 05:53:05
Topic: nForce SATA/SATARAID not working (21 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Hey there i am just wondering if anyone else has come across this problem or can't work out what's going on. I run a nForce4 ultra board, on using BASE6.08.3 i have a small problem where once xp is installed if you try to do a restart the system hang's or if you shut the system down it take's about 6-10min. This only happen's with my system setup in a raid 0 config if i use one of the drive's out the raid and load it up to xp, xp work's fine ?? what the!! anyway to fix this problem just download 6.86_nforce drives run and just install the "nVidia storage drivers" this will fix the problem. I think it might be the IDE driver making it hang, unfortunely i didn't check before running the nforce driver.
30 2006-08-17 19:37:43
Re: AdsenseBot (2 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)
its just google add's
31 2006-08-17 18:22:43
Re: [BUG #187] KTD: if KTD set to "all", then KTD is set in DPsFnshr.ini t (14 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
..... I just rebooted again on Raid so i'll upload eveythink to bugtracker
32 2006-08-17 16:01:59
Re: [BUG #187] KTD: if KTD set to "all", then KTD is set in DPsFnshr.ini t (14 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Hey guys are any of u running a Raid setup ????
I've think i found a bug with the raid set up, if i set up raid 0 everythink load great once windows is up and running everythink runs geart all drivers are there (apart from the DP) but it won't shut down i have to turn the power off to the puter............ no........ but when using the same disc but takin the driver out of raid, everything work's great shutdown the lot...
Bâshrat the Sneaky iknow your goin to ask for the DPsFnshr.log but i forgot to copy it ... aaarrrrhhhh ..... so if no else has had the problem, then i guest i'll reload winxp again to get the log ..
my system
AN8 nForce 4 ultra
WD2500js x 2 raid 0
Gecube x800gt
Opity 146 @ 2.6
33 2006-08-16 00:17:16
Re: [SOLVED BUG #188] When ATI X series Mobility device is present, ATI CC (13 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Havin the same problem's as mp3login but apart from that everythink works great (only tried on VMware)
DPsRoot = "%SystemDrive%"
KTD = "paths:D\3"
; system variables supported: %SystemDrive%, %SystemRoot% and %WinDir%, one
; location cannot be used as KTDlocation: the root directory specified in
; [Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About adding your own exceptions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - The following system variables are supported:
; * %SystemDrive%
; * %SystemRoot%
; * %WinDir%
; * %ProgramFiles%
; * %DPSROOT% (equals the value of [Settings]\DPsRoot)
; * %DPSTMP% (when you must extract files for example)
; - Available executables:
; * addUsepmtimer.exe
; * devcon.exe
; - The unique ID in the sectionnames (i.e.: [<OS platform>__<unique ID>__
; <driver dir, including the master 'D' dir>]) must NOT be sequential, it
; must just be unique. Only numbers (0-9) can be used. The reason for the
; existence of this string is that sometimes there are multiple exceptions
; for the same driver, which would result in identical section names, which
; is not allowed.
; - A requirement of the type 'tagFiles' is considered forfilled if ALL of the
; listed conditions are met.
; - A requirement of the types '+hwids', '-hwids', '+infFiles' and '-infFiles'
; is considered forfilled if ANY of the listed conditions is met.
; - The commands will ONLY be executed if ALL the active requirements are
; - The commands will be executed in the order they are entered.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About the implementation of KTD
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - To optimize the DevicePath entry in the registry (to allow more drivers to
; be added), a new system variable will be created, which will accessible
; through the variable %KTD%. The result is that each path that is added
; (that refers to a driver), will be much shorter - and therefore this allows
; more drivers to be added.
; =============================================================================
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 1
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 0
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "addUsepmtimer.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 4
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart"
command4 = "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\atioglgl.dll"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait "%DPSTMP%\setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\3dfxV2ps.dll"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\V2_OC_control_panel.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sigrp.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\UVGA3.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait "%DPSTMP%\setup.exe -s"
command3 = "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 1
+hwid1 = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2"
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 0
-infFiles = 0
commands = 2
command1 = "devcon update "%DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetbus.inf" "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2""
command2 = "devcon update "%DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetfd.inf" "{1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV*""
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\1"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.*" "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang"
command5 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data"
command8 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17 = "copy /y "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl" "%SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18 = "copy /y "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtPanel.exe" "%SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19 = "start /wait "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\CTZAPXX.exe /S"
tagFiles = 3
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha10x2k.sys"
tagFile2 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile3 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\2"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang"
command5 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data"
command8 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl" %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtPanel.exe" %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\CTZAPXX.exe /S"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\P17.sys"
tagFile2 = %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\3"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386"
command8 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3*.??_"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Addon\*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2k_XP\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\CTZapxx.Exe /S"
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "devcon install "%DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_*""
command2 = "devcon install "%DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\*""
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\N\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait "%DPSTMP\Setup.exe" -s -f1"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sthda.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 6
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "md "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\sttray.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\WDM""
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\SI_7012.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\SI_7018.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\FM801.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.ex_"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2"
command2 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.??_"
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.exe /S"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\T_3.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\T_SSU.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\envysens.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 2
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"
command2 = "ren %SystemRoot%\ADeck.ex Adeck.exe"
2006-08-15 21:34:24 : <INIT> DriverPacks Finisher 6.08.2 initialized.
2006-08-15 21:34:24 : <INIT> Detected platform wnt5_x86-32.
2006-08-15 21:34:24 : <INIT> Start logging of the HWIDs for relevant devices present in this system.
2006-08-15 21:34:24 : <INIT> 1. ACPI devices
ACPI\ACPI0003\1 : Microsoft AC Adapter
ACPI\AUTHENTICAMD_-_X86_FAMILY_15_MODEL_39\_0 : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 146
ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&0 : ACPI Fixed Feature Button
ACPI\PNP0001\4&5289E18&0 : EISA programmable interrupt controller
ACPI\PNP0100\4&5289E18&0 : System timer
ACPI\PNP0200\4&5289E18&0 : Direct memory access controller
ACPI\PNP0303\4&5289E18&0 : Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
ACPI\PNP0400\5&324D5432&0 : Printer Port (LPT1)
ACPI\PNP0501\1 : Communications Port (COM1)
ACPI\PNP0501\2 : Communications Port (COM2)
ACPI\PNP0700\5&324D5432&0 : Standard floppy disk controller
ACPI\PNP0800\4&5289E18&0 : System speaker
ACPI\PNP0A03\2&DABA3FF&0 : PCI bus
ACPI\PNP0A05\4&5289E18&0 : Generic Bus
ACPI\PNP0B00\4&5289E18&0 : System CMOS/real time clock
ACPI\PNP0C02\1F : Motherboard resources
ACPI\PNP0F13\4&5289E18&0 : PS/2 Compatible Mouse
ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0 : Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 : ACPI Uniprocessor PC
19 matching device(s) found.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <INIT> 2. PCI devices
PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_2000&SUBSYS_20001022&REV_10\3&61AAA01&0&88 : Ethernet Controller
PCI\VEN_104B&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_1040104B&REV_01\3&61AAA01&0&80 : VMware SCSI Controller
PCI\VEN_1274&DEV_1371&SUBSYS_13711274&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&90 : Multimedia Audio Controller
PCI\VEN_15AD&DEV_0405&SUBSYS_040515AD&REV_00\3&61AAA01&0&78 : Video Controller (VGA Compatible)
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7110&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_08\3&61AAA01&0&38 : Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ISA bridge (ISA mode)
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7111&SUBSYS_197615AD&REV_01\3&61AAA01&0&39 : Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7112&SUBSYS_197615AD&REV_00\3&61AAA01&0&3A : Intel(R) 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7190&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01\3&61AAA01&0&00 : Intel 82443BX Pentium(R) II Processor to PCI Bridge
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7191&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01\3&61AAA01&0&08 : Intel 82443BX Pentium(R) II Processor to AGP Controller
9 matching device(s) found.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <INIT> 3. HDAUDIO devices
No matching devices found.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <INIT> 4. USB devices
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&3788CC09&0 : USB Root Hub
1 matching device(s) found.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <INIT> Logging of HWIDs complete.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <INIT> Processed settings.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> Collected the HWIDs for this system.
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0001__D-G-A-1] (1 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> Found tagfile "C:\ATICCC.ins" (1/1).
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> 4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> Wildcard specified for +infFiles requirement: scan for .inf files (1 of 1 +infFiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:25 : <FLTR> Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\C2_34826.inf'.
2006-08-15 21:34:28 : <FLTR> Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\CX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-15 21:34:29 : <FLTR> Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\E2_34826.inf'.
2006-08-15 21:34:29 : <FLTR> Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\EX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\MX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0002__D-G-A-1] (2 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\ATICCP.ins' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0004__D-G-3-1] (3 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\3dfxV2ps.dll' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0005__D-G-S-1] (4 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sigrp.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0006__D-L-NV-123] (5 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 2. +hwids (ANY +hwids must matched
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not match any of the +hwids.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0007__D-S-CR-1] (6 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0008__D-S-CR-2] (7 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha10x2k.sys' (1 of 3 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0009__D-S-CR-3] (8 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\P17.sys"' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0010__D-S-H-2] (9 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:30 : <FLTR> 4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0011__D-S-N] (10 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0012__D-S-S-U] (11 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sthda.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0013__D-S-SI-1] (12 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0014__D-S-SI-2] (13 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0015__D-S-T-2] (14 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\FM801.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0016__D-S-T-3] (15 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0017__D-S-T-4] (16 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0018__D-S-T-5] (17 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0019__D-S-V-1] (18 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\envysens.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0020__D-S-V-2] (19 of 19 exceptions).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> ! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <FLTR> Finished filtering exceptions.
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <EXEC> No exceptions left to execute: none have met all requirements!
2006-08-15 21:34:31 : <KTD> [Settings]\KTD has an invalid value: it is set to paths mode but does not specify any paths. KTD will not be applied, the DriverPacks will be deleted.
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted the DriverPacks, which were located in 'C:\D'.
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\hwids.dat'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\DPsFnshr.ini'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\devcon.exe'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\makePNF.exe'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\addUsepmtimer.exe'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\ATICCC.ins'!
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the DriverPacks Finisher itself will get deleted after the next reboot.
2006-08-15 21:34:37 : Program terminated.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 6.08.2 initialized.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Craig's PC software\PC Software\Modifed Windows Folder\Bâshrat the Sneaky Drive Packs\Base 6082\DPs_BASE.ini".
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Could not verify location set in settings file: it seems to be invalid!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> [Settings]\DPsMethod not specified: default (2) was set.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> [Settings]\finisherMethod not specified: default (GUIRunOnce) was set.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\KTD not specified: default (none) was set.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\QSC not specified: default (yes) was set.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (CCC) was set.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 6.03!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 6.03!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 6.08!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 6.06!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 6.05!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> DriverPacks scanned sucessfully.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <INIT> QuickStream Cache directory not found!
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2006-08-15 21:08:17 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2006-08-15 21:08:35 : <GUI> Changed Windows installation files location to C:\Moded Xp\cd-xp\UWXPCD.
2006-08-15 21:08:35 : <GUI> Windows XP Professional - Retail SP2 detected.
2006-08-15 21:08:35 : <GUI> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2006-08-15 21:09:32 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2006-08-15 21:09:32 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2006-08-15 21:09:32 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2006-08-15 21:09:33 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2006-08-15 21:09:33 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\winnt.sif.
2006-08-15 21:09:33 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2006-08-15 21:09:33 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\dosnet.inf.
2006-08-15 21:09:35 : <PREP> Cleaned up \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt.
2006-08-15 21:09:35 : <PREP> Created temporary working directory.
2006-08-15 21:09:36 : <SLIP> Extracted necessary files for method 2.
2006-08-15 21:09:36 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2006-08-15 21:09:36 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2006-08-15 21:10:00 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2006-08-15 21:10:00 : <SLIP> English (RyanVM's) UpdatePack detected: no HDA hotfix will be slipstreamed.
2006-08-15 21:10:00 : <SLIP> Created QSC directory.
2006-08-15 21:10:02 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2006-08-15 21:10:19 : <SLIP> Created QuickStream Cache for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-08-15 21:10:19 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2006-08-15 21:10:26 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2006-08-15 21:10:27 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2006-08-15 21:11:09 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-08-15 21:11:10 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2006-08-15 21:11:10 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2006-08-15 21:11:10 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2006-08-15 21:11:10 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2006-08-15 21:11:11 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2006-08-15 21:11:11 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to enable KTD.
2006-08-15 21:11:11 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2006-08-15 21:11:11 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 1 minutes and 39 seconds.
2006-08-15 21:11:18 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2006-08-15 21:11:18 : Program terminated.
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\Moded Xp\cd-xp\UWXPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "select"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset = "yes"
DP_CPU = "yes"
DP_Graphics_A = "yes"
DP_Graphics_B = "yes"
DP_Graphics_C = "no"
DP_LAN = "yes"
DP_MassStorage = "yes"
DP_Sound_A = "yes"
DP_Sound_B = "yes"
DP_WLAN = "no"
DPs_3rd_party = "yes"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [OptionalSettings]\KTD to "select"
DP_Chipset = "no"
DP_CPU = "no"
DP_Graphics_A = "no"
DP_Graphics_B = "no"
DP_LAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage = "no"
DP_Sound_A = "no"
DP_Sound_B = "no"
DPs_3rd_party = "yes"
; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl = "CCC"
34 2006-07-27 01:14:31
Re: BUG: ATI CCC not installed (11 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Will do!!!! Bâshrat the Sneaky, will u release b4 next wednesday ?? (going away 4 2weeks thats all) If not I'd be glad to do a run with the beta to see if the new version will fix the problem
35 2006-07-20 20:13:34
Re: BUG: ATI CCC not installed (11 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
One log file
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>CMDOW @ /HID
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | Only edit this file if you know what you're doing! |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | Editable variables. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET DriverPacks=C:\D
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET D=C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET S=C:\WINDOWS\system32
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET DPS_TMP=C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | DriverPack Graphics A control panels. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET C=C:\D\G
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\G\A\1 GOTO DP_GA_2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\atioglx1.dll (
C:\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe -y -oC:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
MSIEXEC /i C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart
MSIEXEC /i C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart
RD /S /Q C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
C:\D\GA\1\ATICCP.exe -y -oC:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
START /WAIT C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp\Setup.exe /K
RD /S /Q C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | DriverPack Graphics B control panels. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET C=C:\D\G
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\G\3\1 GOTO DP_GB_2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\G\S\1 GOTO DP_GB_3
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | DriverPack Graphics C control panels. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET C=C:\D\G
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\G\A\3 GOTO DP_GC_2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | DriverPack Sound A control panels. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET C=C:\D\S
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\CR GOTO DP_SA_2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha10kx2k.sys (
IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys IF EXIST C:\D\S\CR\1\Ctzapxx.ini (
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\*.* C:\D\S\CR
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\common\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\common
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\common\i386
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\lang
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\common\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_
COPY /Y C:\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl C:\WINDOWS\system32\ 1>NUL
COPY /Y C:\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtPanel.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\ 1>NUL
IF EXIST C:\D\S\CR\2\Ctzapxx.ini (
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\*.* C:\D\S\CR
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\common\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\common
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\common\i386
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\lang
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\common\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_
COPY /Y C:\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl C:\WINDOWS\system32\ 1>NUL
COPY /Y C:\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtPanel.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\ 1>NUL
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\CR\3 GOTO DP_SA_3
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\P17.sys (
IF EXIST C:\D\S\CR\3\Ctzapxx.in_ (
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\AddOn\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3\AddOn
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\Common\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3\Common
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP
EXPAND -R C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386\*.* C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\AddOn\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\Common\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.??_
DEL /Q C:\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386\*.??_
START C:\D\S\CR\3\CTZapxx.Exe /S
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe GOTO DP_SA_4
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys (
START /WAIT C:\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe -y -oC:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
START /WAIT C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp\Setup.exe -s -f1
RD /S /Q C:\WINDOWS\DPs_temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\T\2\Setup.ex_ GOTO DP_SA_5
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe GOTO DP_SA_6
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\V\2\CPL.exe GOTO DP_SA_7
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys START /WAIT C:\D\S\V\2\CPL.exe -y -oC:\WINDOWS\system32\
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REN C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADeck.ex ADeck.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | DriverPack Sound B control panels. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET C=C:\D\S
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\T\3\T_3.exe GOTO DP_SB_2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\T\4\T_SSU.exe GOTO DP_SB_3
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe GOTO DP_SB_4
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\S\U GOTO DP_SB_5
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\SI\1\SI_7012.exe GOTO DP_SB_6
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF NOT EXIST C:\D\S\SI\2\SI_7018.exe GOTO DP_SB_7
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>GOTO EXCEPTIONS
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET T=C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | Workaround for AMD Athlon 64 X2 CPU's lagging issues. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>devcon find ACPI\AUTHENTICAMD_-_X86_FAMILY_15_MODEL_* 1>>C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (addUsepmtimer.exe)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>DEL /F /Q C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | Workaround for nVidia nForce 3 ethernet. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>devcon find "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF" 1>>C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (
devcon update "C:\D\L\NV\123\nvnetbus.inf" "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2" 1>NULL
devcon update "C:\D\L\NV\123\nvnetfd.inf" "{1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV*" 1>NULL
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>DEL /F /Q C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | Workaround for Hercules Fortissimo, Game Theater and Digifire APU's. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>devcon find "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003*" 1>>C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_005014AF" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_005014AF" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_00501681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_00501681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_00521681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_00521681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_00531681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_00531681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_00541681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_00541681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_A0111681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_A0111681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_A0121681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_A0121681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_00511681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_00511681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "SUBSYS_A0101681" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_A0101681" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>DEL /F /Q C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>devcon find "HERCULES\*" 1>>C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "GTXP_WDM_INTERFACE" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\GTXP_WDM_INTERFACE" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "GF3_WDM_INTERFACE" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\GF3_WDM_INTERFACE" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "GF2_WDM_INTERFACE" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\GF2_WDM_INTERFACE" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "DFIRE_WDM_INTERFACE" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\DFIRE_WDM_INTERFACE" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "GTXP71_WDM_INTERFACE" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\GTXP71_WDM_INTERFACE" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>agrep -s -ci "PNPB02F" C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 9009 GEQ 1 (devcon install "C:\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf" "HERCULES\*PNPB02F" )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>DEL /F /Q C:\tmp.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM +==========================================================================+
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM | KTD (Keep The Drivers) commands. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET tagfile=\OEM\bin
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>FOR %i IN (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%i:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=%i:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "c:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=c:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "d:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=d:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "e:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=e:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "f:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=f:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "g:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=g:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "h:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=h:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "i:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=i:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "j:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=j:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "k:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=k:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "l:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=l:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "m:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=m:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "n:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=n:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "o:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=o:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "p:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=p:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "q:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=q:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "r:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=r:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "s:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=s:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "t:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=t:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "u:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=u:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "v:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=v:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "w:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=w:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "x:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=x:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "y:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=y:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST "z:\OEM\bin" SET CDDRIVE=z:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF 'd:' == '' GOTO KTD_M1
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>SET method=2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>IF EXIST d:\OEM\bin\makePNF.exe (
REM 1st sublevel
SET ktd=yes
IF EXIST d:\OEM\bin\KTDpaths.cmd (d:\OEM\bin\KTDpaths.cmd) ELSE (
START d:\OEM\bin\WatchDSP.exe
START d:\OEM\bin\CloseDSP.exe
START d:\OEM\bin\hideMakePNF.exe
START /WAIT d:\OEM\bin\makePNF.exe C:\D
TASKKILL /F /IM CloseDSP.exe /IM hideMakePNF.exe /IM WatchDSP.exe
) ELSE (
REM 1st sublevel
IF EXIST d:\OEM\bin\KTDpatterns.cmd (
REM 2nd sublevel
) ELSE (
REM 2nd sublevel
SET ktd=no
d:\OEM\bin\DevPath.exe C:\WINDOWS\Inf
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>rem Generated by DriverPacks BASE 6.06.1
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cmdow @ /HID
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\M C:\WINDOWS\D\M
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\CR\1 C:\WINDOWS\D\S\CR\1
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\CR\2 C:\WINDOWS\D\S\CR\2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\CR\3 C:\WINDOWS\D\S\CR\3
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\N C:\WINDOWS\D\S\N
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\R C:\WINDOWS\D\S\R
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\S\V C:\WINDOWS\D\S\V
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>robocopy /E /COPYALL /MIR C:\D\3 C:\WINDOWS\D\3
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>WatchDSP.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>CloseDSP.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>DevPath.exe C:\WINDOWS\D
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>taskkill /F /IM WatchDSP.exe /IM CloseDSP.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>exit
thanks Helmi...
36 2006-07-20 11:29:40
Re: BUG: ATI CCC not installed (11 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Which card exactly?
Gecube - GC-RX800GTU3-D3
So it hangs on both of the restarts?
Yep that its..
Have you tried using Save Settings in your BIOS compared to Performance ones?
Win setup is ususally very tricky if you use fast RAM timings.
No not yet but if i take in out of RAID 0 and just back to a single HD it work fine, if that any help , o and by the way ram timing
Also, please post your log files found in root.
Use the code tags for the list, please.
ok you lost me there ??? How do i do that ???
ps thanks for ur help
37 2006-07-20 01:57:42
Re: BUG: ATI CCC not installed (11 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Hey Helmi it a PCI-e card .....
Sorry man what i ment was when windows Press any key to load from cd - Formats - installs - "restarts windows" - install windows (t13 etc) - "restarts windows" - finish install - ready to use
Its the "restarts windows" that won't restart ( reboot what ever u want to call it ) it just hangs there and i have to hit the rest button. The driver installs and nothin else for the ATI part every other driver is install correctly....
38 2006-07-19 12:19:00
Topic: BUG: ATI CCC not installed (11 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Hi all, just wondered if someone could point me in the right direction. I have 2 small problems
1. The ATI CCC does not install but the ATI drivers do
2. It won't restart my puter while loading windows i have to manully restart every time (reset switch) but everythink work great,
I know it's somethink to do with my puter setup as i have another puter and it works fine, reboot, loads sis drivers and there control panel it just my main puter i seem to have trouble with ...
My system ...
Abit AN8 Ultra
AMD Optron 146
GeCube ATI X800GT
WD 250JS x 2 in Raid 0
On Board Sound
BenQ DW1640
Liteon SHW165p6
If anyone could help that would be great