(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

i only see the 2nd and 3rd on your list. i dont see the 1st and 4th unless they are in another folder.

OverFlow wrote:

were the all of the logs created? (meaning that the exe's all ran)

they should all be date stamped for the time of the run.


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

you had asked if a device is not getting isntalled. it seems all devices are not getting installed

i have a vanilla vga screen. when i look in device manager, i hae yellow items for things like the network card.

i did try this on a newer computer and it worked. but this is the first time i am trying it on a computer with a cd (not a dvd) so the cd is a drivers only cd.

OverFlow wrote:

PS yes there are four log files that are available to you


but i am not sure what you would be looking for...

do you have a device taht is not getting installed ???


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

yes, i saw all of this

looks like it is working but why doesnt it update drivers?

OverFlow wrote:

first you should see a popup when the packs extract

dpinst.exe runs and it logs to the screen (in the blue window several thousand lines and takes a few minutes) .
it will list stuff like:

INFO:   RETURN: DriverPackagePreinstallW  (0xE000020B)
INFO:   Preinstalling 'e:\\d\c\i\xp\e727505.inf' ...
INFO:   ENTER:  DriverPackagePreinstallW
INFO:   Looking for Model Section [INTEL_SYS]...
INFO:   No matching devices found in INF "e:\\d\c\i\xp\e727505.inf"

if you see lines like the above scrolling by it is working !

if the dpinst file wasn't found it would have paused and put a message up like          DPINST.exe doesn't exist
since it did not pause and give an error i can only assume it worked correctly



(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)


doesnt look like anything changed. is there a log file you need to see?

OverFlow wrote:

the finisher deletes the files and creates a runonce entry to delete itself after you reboot - that is normal.

dpinst should have run just before the finisher did... there whould have been a window visible while it ran for a few moments...

i added two debug lines to the cmd file to help you... please use the code below in your DP_Install_Tool.cmd for a test run

DP_Install_Tool.cmd code

@Echo off
REM Written by Jeff Herre AKA OverFlow rev08.04.21
REM A Script to use MicroSofts DPinst.exe with the DriverPacks.
REM Help and Support available at http://forum.DriverPacks.net  
Color 9f

Echo Searching current drive for the DriverPacks...
Rem fast detect. (is it the current drive?)
FOR /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%~dp0") do SET CDDRIVE=%%i:
IF exist %CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\D goto M1Found
IF exist %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe GoTo M2Found

Echo Searching all drives now...
Rem alternate detection. (is it any available drive?)
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO IF EXIST "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:& GoTo M1Found 
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO IF EXIST "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:& GoTo M2Found

Echo The DriverPacks were not found ???
GoTo Done

Echo Extracting the DriverPacks now...
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z %SystemDrive%\
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\*.7z %SystemDrive%\
COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%\

if not exist DPINST.exe echo DPINST.exe doesn't exist on source! & pause

COPY DPINST.exe %SystemDrive%
COPY DPInst.xml %SystemDrive%
GoTo Main

Echo If you wish you may update drivers directly from the located M1 source
Echo Or you can use the DriverPacks and DP_Finisher with "Keep The Driver" option.
Echo If you choose Finisher and KTD then DriverPacks will be copied to "SystemDrive" 
SET /p TPP=Only DriverPacks or Finisher and DriverPacks? (O or F) 
IF /I %TPP%==O "%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\DPINST.exe" /c /s & GoTo Done 
XCOPY /S %CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\. %SystemDrive%

Echo Running MicroSoft DPinst.exe now!

if not exist %SystemDrive%\DPINST.exe echo DPINST.exe doesn't exist on destination! & pause

%SystemDrive%\DPINST.exe /c /s
Echo Running the DriverPacks.net Finisher now!



(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

yes, there was the cmd windows visible while it ran but i cant tell what was good and what was not
ok, ill try the new .cmd file below.

OverFlow wrote:

the finisher deletes the files and creates a runonce entry to delete itself after you reboot - that is normal.

dpinst should have run just before the finisher did... there whould have been a window visible while it ran for a few moments...

i added two debug lines to the cmd file to help you... please use the code below in your DP_Install_Tool.cmd for a test run

DP_Install_Tool.cmd code

@Echo off
REM Written by Jeff Herre AKA OverFlow rev08.04.21
REM A Script to use MicroSofts DPinst.exe with the DriverPacks.
REM Help and Support available at http://forum.DriverPacks.net  
Color 9f

Echo Searching current drive for the DriverPacks...
Rem fast detect. (is it the current drive?)
FOR /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%~dp0") do SET CDDRIVE=%%i:
IF exist %CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\D goto M1Found
IF exist %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe GoTo M2Found

Echo Searching all drives now...
Rem alternate detection. (is it any available drive?)
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO IF EXIST "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:& GoTo M1Found 
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO IF EXIST "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:& GoTo M2Found

Echo The DriverPacks were not found ???
GoTo Done

Echo Extracting the DriverPacks now...
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z %SystemDrive%\
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\*.7z %SystemDrive%\
COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%\

if not exist DPINST.exe echo DPINST.exe doesn't exist on source! & pause

COPY DPINST.exe %SystemDrive%
COPY DPInst.xml %SystemDrive%
GoTo Main

Echo If you wish you may update drivers directly from the located M1 source
Echo Or you can use the DriverPacks and DP_Finisher with "Keep The Driver" option.
Echo If you choose Finisher and KTD then DriverPacks will be copied to "SystemDrive" 
SET /p TPP=Only DriverPacks or Finisher and DriverPacks? (O or F) 
IF /I %TPP%==O "%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\DPINST.exe" /c /s & GoTo Done 
XCOPY /S %CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\$1\. %SystemDrive%

Echo Running MicroSoft DPinst.exe now!

if not exist %SystemDrive%\DPINST.exe echo DPINST.exe doesn't exist on destination! & pause

%SystemDrive%\DPINST.exe /c /s
Echo Running the DriverPacks.net Finisher now!



(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

yes it did. i had opened that folder off of c: to make sure it was copying. it went thru the finisher and now i dont see the files on the drive. only the finisher file in the root of C:


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

ok. i am at a loss. it started decompressing and then didnt reboot or update drivers.

did i miss something. on my dvd it reboots and then, lo and behold, all hardware updated with new drivers

help. thanks

OverFlow wrote:

I tried to get rid of my double post and they both disappeared... strange

i had a copy of what i typed on the clipboard though... ( i have been gotten before wink )
so it is out of order above sorry everybody...

Yes - actual folder and the files in it


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

that did it......i needed the whole folder including the actual folder


OverFlow wrote:

I tried to get rid of my double post and they both disappeared... strange

i had a copy of what i typed on the clipboard though... ( i have been gotten before wink )
so it is out of order above sorry everybody...

Yes - actual folder and the files in it


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

i just realized what you meant. i had copied just the files under /OEM to the cd. are you saying i need to copy the actual folder with the files in it.

thanks overflow


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

method 2

copy the oem folder or just the contents? sounds like the same thing. i dont know what you mean. copying the folder or the contents are the same thing. can you elaborate.


(61 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

i dont have a log file

i have followed the instructions in the sticky here. i have version above 8.05. i have a dvd of an unattended setup but i need a cd for machines that dont have DVD. i copied the folder with the driverpacks winrar files from the dvd to a separate cd. when i run the dp_install_tool.cmd i get "driverpacks not found". thanks for your help