Yeah  Thanks for fixing that for me. I have been lurking here for a bit now, and trying to understand this

I'm still working out how to deploy with Galapos Offlinesysprep.

I like this current method due to that it works.

I'm building the Image in VMware Server 2.0

I should Then Leave [SysprepMassStorage]

Boot into BartPe and then Run Offline Syspre and Sysprep then?
Do I still have to do the Makepnf and ROE 937? Or will the Offline do that for me.

I already have a snapshot of my image with the bmsd all i need to do it run ROE.EX 937 and sysprep to then boot into my bartpe and image
I image on our network over shares, it has been working well.

I think I just need to reread the offline and understand it better. I'm would be more then happy to make a walk through with Vmware + Offline with pictures for users once I get it working.

Can someone post there

That works for GX 520 and GX 620

I work for a small jr college with 50 different models mostly all dell (I hate dell) and I'm having issues with these 2 models, if there is a simple fix It would be helpful, cuz this way has been working on about %90 of machines for me.

Ongoing Problem

I just tired this method for injecting the mass stroage it gave me a nvatabus.sys error as soon as I rebooted didn't even load sysprep and ask for a repair CD

I also had to click OK and it missed some files during the install, might of been something on my side

I just had the driver packs to inject of this site tho

In my C: Sysprep\I386\$oem folder

I have a file called cmdlines.txt

In that file it says this


I open text pad and copy the script and name it hal_update.bat

You don't need the --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just whats inside of it

@echo off

    SET HAL=

        devcon.exe /find @ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 | find /i "Multiprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=ACPIAPIC_UP
        devcon.exe /find @ROOT\PCI_HAL\0000 | find /i "Multiprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=MPS_UP
    ) ELSE (
        devcon.exe /find @ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 | find /i "Uniprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=ACPIAPIC_MP
        devcon.exe /find @ROOT\PCI_HAL\0000 | find /i "Uniprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=MPS_MP

    IF NOT "%HAL%"=="" (
        ECHO ----------------------------------------
        ECHO Installing %HAL% HAL
        ECHO ----------------------------------------

        devcon.exe sethwid @ROOT\PCI_HAL\0000 := +%HAL%
        devcon.exe sethwid @ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 := +%HAL%
        devcon.exe update %windir%\inf\hal.inf %HAL%
        devcon.exe ReScan

        ECHO ----------------------------------------
        ECHO Rebooting
        ECHO ----------------------------------------
        devcon.exe Reboot
    ) ELSE (
        ECHO ----------------------------------------
        ECHO Correct HAL Detected
        ECHO ----------------------------------------

This will run my hal update .bat during mini setup and the computer was built on ACPI in Vmware

Just have it call on this file, you can put it anywhere. I have it here "C:\lng\hal_update.bat"  This fixed my Hal issues.

I'm just having issues with the way the mass stroage drivers are being install incorrectly.

Any help would be great

This way is great for about %90 of computers. Might want to put some info about the hal switching here is what i currently do

This does not work for GX 620 and GX 520 Dell they install the wrong mass storage package. Can someone tell  me how to fix it with the current way becuase it has been working great just giving me a few issues with the mass storage.


(41 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)

I'm still a bit lost on how this program works.

I have a %90 Universal Image

Image built on Vmware Server
Delete VM Tools
I use the current MakePNF
ROE 937

I have stupid dell GX 620 and GX 520
I have a script to change my hal that works great.
But the damn GX 620 and GX 520 install the wrong mass stroage driver and blue screen 07 beh!


I currently ghost with a Bart PE I have ghost 11.5 and i currently run the driver packs off the OS.
I have tired to use Offline sysprep but I can't get it work correctly. Can someone give me like a how to
I have a snapshot that is ready to be imaged.